Hamdi, SHI
Mahasiswa Pasca Serjana Hukum
A. Background of Study
Write is an
activity that will be done in human life. Write produces many reading. Write is
a transformation of information from another to others. In writing someone
create their ideas and their opinion. Everybody will know about her/his
paradigm in writing, and we also can say that everybody express themselves in
Furthermore, write
is also a power. By using writing someone can influence people, it makes
someone please. Writing will influence others in getting money, authority,
having position in an institution, and also for getting score for the students.
Writing is an activity that
always does in teaching learning process. It has an important role in many
aspects in education, particularly in language learning. As quote from Second
Language Teaching and Learning, Nunan states: “writing is an important one,
because teaching writing covers all aspect of language, involve grammar,
vocabulary, etc”.[1]
The writing is useful for all aspects, such as in final assignment for the
students who want to finish their study.
To begin writing,
it is not an easy work because it needs more time to think. Wallace says:
“writing can not be made easily, any worthwhile piece of work demands time and
thought”.[2] When
someone starts to write, it means he or she thinks about idea or topic that
will be improved in writing. In addition, bringing out the idea or topic
sometimes becomes an obstacle for beginners.
After the topic has found, they face other obstacles: how to arrange the
sentence, how to develop the topic, and how to develop the writing becomes
interest to read.
Writing which is as
a process of thinking also needs several ways that can help the writer easier
to write. The ways, called “strategies” can be found when someone reads or
learns about writing not only in the classrooms but also outside class.
Teachers’ strategies influence students’ motivation and ability in the class,
book influence students’ motivation and ability outside the class.
In this thesis only
lift out teachers’ strategies because teacher as an essential role in teaching
learning process. Richards state in Methodology in language teaching: “teacher
need to help student to develop their writing editing as well as their
composing skill”.[3]
Because of the reasons above, the researcher was attracted to conduct a
research entitle: “The Correlation between The Teachers’ Strategies and
Students’ Writing Ability”.
B. Research Questions
Based on the
background of study, the researcher would like to answer the following
- What are the teachers’ strategies in writing?
- Are the strategies used effective to improve student writing ability?
- What is the correlation between teacher strategies and student writing ability?
C. The Aims of Study
In line with
research question, the purpose of this research is:
1. To find out
whether strategies used by teacher in teaching writing
2. To find out which
strategies are most effective
3. To find out the correlation between
teachers’ strategies and student writing
D. Terminology
To make the topic of this thesis clear, it is vital to
explain the terms of title according to the valuable references:
- Strategies
The word “strategies” is a plural of
“strategy”. The strategy means a plan, step or conscious action toward
achievement of an objective that makes learning easier, faster, more enjoyable,
more self directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situation.[4] In this
thesis, the strategies mean the ways used by the teacher in the class in order
to make teaching learning process easier and more enjoyable.
- Writing ability
Writing as derived from verb “write” and
suffix “ing ” which makes it become gerund. “Write is making letter or other
symbols on a surface”.[5] Here,
writing ability means the capability of students in writing.
- Correlation
Correlation is connection between two things
in which one thing changes as the other does.[6] In this
case it refers to correlation between teachers’ strategies and students writing
E. Postulates and Hypotheses
In order to support
the background of study, the writer has following postulates and hypothesis. In
this study the writer used the following postulates:
1. The professional teacher is
important factor which influence students’ writing ability.
2. The strategies which interesting improve their ability
Besides the
postulates, the writer considers hypotheses in this thesis are:
1. The strategies that teacher used influence students writing
2. The students’ writing ability depends on the teachers’ strategies
F. Previous of Study
are many researcher have done previous research in writing as object of study,
the previous study that will take to support this research is “Strategies
Used To Improve Students’ Writing Skill (An experimental Teaching at SLTPN 1
Kecamatan Sawang )” written by Isnarliyanto (2007).
research emphasized on strategies used to improve student’s skill, he used
experimental method. However, my thesis emphasizes in Correlation between
Teachers’ Strategies and Students’ Writing Ability and uses observation method.
G. Techniques of Data Collection
To support researcher’s ideas and to intended purpose of this study,
the researcher reviewed some materials from books, thesis, and articles. To
complete it, the researcher uses field research and the technique used are as
Observation is used
to know the condition of students and lectures in teaching learning of writing,
to intended to learn the students motivation, seriousness and the strategies
which make them interest. In addition, the writer observed the class process in
2. Interview
support the data from the techniques applied, the researcher further will
interview some of lectures that focus on writing class and their strategies
used in teaching learning process.
3. Questionnaires
Questionnaires are one of ways to
achieve more concrete data concerning the student’s difficulties in learning
English especially writing. It is contained questions and other types of item
designed to solicit information appropriate for analysis.[7]
4. Test
The test will be taken in this research based on the test
which is conducted by the teachers. The researcher will take the result of quiz
or midterm.
H. Population and Sample
conduct this research, the researcher will take the first years of English
Department students. The number of population 150 students which are divided
into four units. However, the researcher will take one unit of them. The sample
will be taken approximately 25% from the population.
Aboderin, Aewuyi,Oyagami, Integrated Reading and Writing,
Forrum, Washinton DC, Volume xxi, Number 3, 1983
Thompson Corole,
et al, Spring Boarding for Passing The Writing Skill Test, Scoott,
Foremen and Company, Glenview, Illonis, 1987
Nunan David, Second
Language and Learning, Heinle and Heinle Publisher, USA.Boston, 1999
Hughes Athur, Testing
for Language Teacher , Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teacher , General
Editor , Michael Swan.
J. Wallece
Michael, Study Skill in English, Cambridge University Press, USA, 1980
Hornby AS,David, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Oxford University
Press, USA, 2000
C. Richard Jack
and A. Renandya Willy Methodelogy in Language Teaching, Cambridge
University Press, USA, 2002
S.Vargas Julie, Writing
Worthwhile Behavioral Objectives, Harper and Row, USA, 1972
Wyrick Jean, Step
to Writing Well, Harcort Brace and Company, USA, 1993
F. Trimmer
Joseph, Writing With A Purpose, Houghton Mifflin Company, USA, 1995
R Bramer George
and Sedley Dorothy, Writing for Readers, Merrill Publishing Co, Ohio,
Columbus, 1981
The Influences of
Parents’ Role to Students’ Reading Skill
The Comparison Between
graduated from Students High School and
Boarding School in Speaking English
[1] David Nunan, Second Language Teaching and Learning, (Boston,
USA: Heinle and Heinle Publisher,1999) p.98
[2] Michael J. Wallace, Study Skill in English , (USA: Cambridge
University Press, 1980)p.98
[3]Jack C Richard and Willy A Renandya, Methodology in Language
Teaching (USA: Cambridge University Press,2002)
[4] Rebecca 1. Oxford Language Learning Srtategies ,Every Should
Know ( Heinle Publisher–A Division of
Wodsworth-Inc Buston , Massachutts , 1990 ) p.71
[5]AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary, (USA: Oxford University Press, 2000) P. 1480
[6] Ibid, P. 296
[7] Babbie, Earl. The Practice of Social Research, Wadsworth,
Thomson Learning, 2004, p.244.